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Are compression boots good for recovery ?

Are compression boots good for recovery ?


Compression boots have gained a lot of popularity lately, and it is for good reason. These devices have been around for a long time, compression clothing like rash guards, leggings, and socks are used by athletes to increase blood pressure and flow by putting pressure on the blood vessels.

Despite the fact that this technology offers a myriad of benefits there are still plenty of individuals who are sceptical about this technology.

The main argument is that the relatively small amount of pressure doesn’t provide enough recovery stimulus.

Today we will dive deep into the world of compression technology and find out if it is a worthy investment.


What are compression boots and how do they work? 


We have seen many athletes, actors and famous individuals use these big puffy boots for their recovery, perhaps you've seen them in health and wellness magazines. And you've wondered what they're doing and if they're doing anything at all.

The answer is yes. There's a lot going on in those Puffy leg bags  that you can't see. These compression boots feel like a deep pressure, relaxing massage to your legs because they use compressed air to massage your legs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery. The boots, which initially feel like a blood pressure cuff wrapped around your foot, inflate and relax in segments to mimic the body's natural muscle pump to mobilize waste products and improve lymphatic drainage.

How do they work ?


Compression treatment has a significant role in the sensation of immediate alleviation that follows a massage. Pressing and squeezing your aching limbs will help return stored lymphatic fluids to areas of the body where the lymphatic system's healthy components can process them. Simply said it directs blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to particular parts of your body.

In order to simulate the blood flow that occurs when you are active, such as when stretching or walking, compression boots use a massaging pulse rhythm. With that said, wearing compression boots will still allow you to enjoy all the advantages of walking or stretching. It is completely passive. So, following a strenuous workout, you can unwind, watch your favorite show, and let the boots do the work.

When to use compression boots ?


Compression boots can be used before and after exercise  


The benefits of wearing compression boots before working out include boosting blood flow; this makes them the ideal warm-up (although we still don't advise skipping a proper warm-up!).


When compression boots are worn following a workout, the advantages largely focus on recovery and reducing tissue damage caused by a hard or prolonged activity.


If you have your own boots, which is highly advised, Restex suggests using them every day for anywhere between 10 and 60 minutes. assuming there are no circulation issues.

I advise speaking with your trusted healthcare provider about the best plan for your needs if it is for medical purposes, such as for individuals with lymphedema.


Why use compression boots? 


1-Recover faster from injuries

Injuries are a part of the game, especially when your training volume is high and you push yourself hard time and time again.

If you experienced pain, swelling, or a loss of range of motion due to tendinopathy muscle strain and ligament sprains, compression boots will help you recover faster, when you are injured the affected area gets less blood flow due to the lack of movement, and but this is where compression boots come into play, their technology delivers much-needed oxygen and nutrients to the injured tissue while also removing excess fluid associated with swelling. Studies have shown that compression therapy improves pressure pain thresholds.

2-Reduced stiffness and increased flexibility

Reduced flexibility and increased stiffness that restricts motion are frequently a component of (DOMS) delayed onset muscle soreness. If this stiffness is not relieved, it might affect the effectiveness of the following workouts and last the remainder of the week.

Just picture yourself going for your Sunday morning lift and finding yourself stiff and unable to exercise effectively again until Wednesday. Four unscheduled rest days may not seem like the end of the world, but if you're an elite athlete, they can have a significant impact on your overall plan and performance.

The use of compression boots can prevent the stiffness that comes with intense exercise. One study found that compression boots are statistically significant in improving recovery because they stop the loss of flexibility and reduce overall stiffness.

3- Reduction of lactic and metabolic waste

Many individuals continue to think lactate is what causes muscle pain. However, research has demonstrated that DOMS is caused by; tiny tears in the muscle and the ensuing swelling. This is not to say that lactate is healthy for your muscles. It's not. It has a wide range of detrimental effects on your muscles (and your performance), and despite not being the primary cause, it may nevertheless contribute to muscular soreness.

It makes sense to try to remove lactate from our muscles after exercise because lactic acid build-up prematurely causes muscle exhaustion. Lactic acid is expelled from the muscle more quickly after an exercise because of compression boots' improved blood flow and circulation. This lessens muscle fatigue and speeds up recovery

4-Faster and optimal recovery

There are many advantages of wearing compression boots from improved blood circulation to reduction of waste products in the muscle. While all of those advantages are quite substantial, 

it's probable that the greatest significant advantage of all comes from athletes' increased ability to establish a routine, follow that routine, and perform at their peak capacity more frequently. In other words, compression boots enable professional athletes to give every workout their all.

Missing exercises due to discomfort, cramping, or general exhaustion may be a MAJOR setback when training at the highest levels. By assisting in the recovery process with compression boots, you will practically have insurance against cancellations of your training plans.

Are you conviced now ? 

Try compression boots now!

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